"I had dreamed you were my Brother !!!..."

Published on by Winnie


“I had dreamed you were my Brother !!!...”


Recently Paul Studnia, 91 years old, more than 50 years a member of the GLNF, President of Scribe, President of the Commission de Recours Gracieux (a committee constituted to hear the case of Brethren who wish to defend themselves against a suspension, exclusion, etc) and member of François Stifani’s inner circle (ever diminishing !!!), wrote to the ex-Grand Master criticising the idea of selling off Scribe. In the same letter he released the bombshell information concerning the commissioning of the writing of the GLNF history by Sébastien Dulac.


Again he has put pen to paper writing to François Stifani, but this time the nib has been dipped in highly concentrated VITRIOL !!!  link

Object : Open letter to the MW Grand Master


I have committed a crime of lese-majesty by taking a stance against the ordinances you have just signed. That is why you publicly forbade me entrance to a meeting of dignitaries, a meeting to which I had been summonsed legitimately.


You know that this insult has rebounded on all the dignitaries who are of the same opinion as myself, and they are “many”.


Result : you were obliged to hold a so-called metting of Grand Lodge like a coward… hidden away, all alone in your office.


You poor thing; your insult is only equalled by the fraternal disaster on whose path you have been meandering for far too long… You go from ridiculous episode to failure after failure and now you add insult to injury and the indignity to the Brethren.


We are more than 40000 Brothers who love our beautiful Obedience and we say to you, we cry it out to you that you do not have the right to martyrise and ruin it.


Lower your pride so that the Great Architect gives you the light so that you take the only possible decision : YOUR DEPARTURE.


I give you with immediate effect my resignation from the commission de recours gracieux and I wish fair winds to a man that I regret having followed for I dreamed he was my Brother.


Paul Studnia  link

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