ὀψε θɛῷν ἀλέουσίμύλοί, ἀλέουσί δε λɛρṯά… …French justice also !!!

Published on by Winnie

Sextus Empiricus said it first : “The mills of the gods are late to grind, but they grind small.” That was certainly the feeling of those Brethren who attended the Paris Supreme Court yesterday for Miss Monique’s appearance before the judges.


The official complaint was made by various GLNF Brethren and FMR on December 7th . It concerns Maître Legrand’s continued demands that the Brethren pay an “exceptional contribution” equal to the last legally called annual dues and her apparent refusal to make the GLNF account books available to the opposition.


The hearing should have brought down a decision yesterday. After all, it’s not too complicated. “Miss Monique, what you are asking is illegal. Stop it ! And at the same time, hand over the books !”


But no ! The judges decided they couldn’t decide and will need a fortnight to deliberate on this extremely tricky point of law. Decision on January 19th. We hope ! We are obviously not the only ones waiting to hear the decision of the Court of Appeal on January 13th (a Friday for those of a superstitious nature). On the same January 19th Miss Monique will also be appearing in court before Vice-President Patrice Kurz (who appointed her) to answer the calls for her being revoked. There is little likelihood of this case succeeding since VP Kurz has already prolonged her mandate twice.


The Brethren are rightly wondering if the term “French justice” is not a contradiction.


One important piece of information that came out of yesterday’s hearing is that the GLNF cash reserves are more than enough for the short to medium term, 7.3 million euros without counting what might be found in the 27 satellite stuctures. Does the 7.3 million include the 1.4 million Miss Monique gave back just before Christmas ? 

I’ll leave you with that. I’ve got to get back to the grindstone !

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I think that we should just accept "French Justice". It's not too different from the rest of the World. Lawyers that want to keep things running to justify their fees, Judges that don't want to<br /> make a decision - cant be wrong if you don't make a decision, and "open" style verdicts to allow other Judges the chance to sit on the appeals. It's not Justice - its a business and we are the poor<br /> fools paying for it! I don't have a solution that is legal. I do have some other ideas that are certainly un Masonic! Hiwever, the penalty of the First Degree seems appropriate. It happened in<br /> London a few years ago to "Gods Banker".
<br /> <br /> If I recall correctly there was a "Lodge" involved with the story of "God's banker". <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />