Assignments of the Court appointed Administrator

Published on by Arturusrex

The Tribunal de Grande instance de Paris (Magistrates’Court), on January 25th 2011, appointed Maître Monique LEGRAND, as ad hoc judicial administrator of the GLNF.

Her mandate is for six months and will cease on the designation of the GLNF governing organs that will succeed her. The Court Ordinance has been obtained by lawyers acting on behalf of  Franc-Maçonnerie Régulière (FMR), our “rebel” association fighting F.Stifani since December é009. Under the terms of the Ordinance, signed by delegation by a Vice President of the Court, the ad hoc Administrator has five missions:

  • To administer the GLNF assisted by salaried staff and to take all measures required as matters of urgency.
  • To represent the GLNF in all legal procedures or suits.
  • To take all measures to enable the GLNF to have a President  a Sovereign Grand Committee  and a board of officers.  (Conseil d’Administration)
  • To convene a General Assembly with the items :
    • To approve the accounts for 2008-9
    • To approve the budget for 2010-11
    • To have ratified the designation of a President by the Sovereign Grand Committee
  •  To obtain and receive all useful documents, particularly the list of members and accountancy documents.

Maître Monique LEGRAND therefore has as of now full powers to administer the GLNF. It seems patent that the Ordinance removes all power from the up-to-now Governors around Stifani, who until yesterday was still signing as “GrandMaster” a letter to the Sovereign Grand Committee.

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