What next, « Playboy » centre-fold ?

Published on by Winnie


Written by Tamino and published “Il ne manque plus que Gala”on Myosotis Ligérien, January 27th 2011


Once again, François Stifani, ex-President / Grand Master of an Obedience, which is still masonic despite him, has made the cover of a weekly current affairs magazine.


After “Le Point” and “L’Express”, it’s the “Nouvel Observateur”, in its Thursday, January 27th number whose cover features the photo of the former Grand Master in all his finery holding in his hand what we have always believed to be a Bible, but which could also be a bookkeeping ledger.



Inside we discover an 8 page article entitled “Le Grand Déballage” (The Big Spill) signed by journalist, Sylvain Courage, There are the usual generalities about the main Obediences, necessary for the public’s understanding, but the journalist spends considerable time on the causes behind the crisis within the GLNF.


You have to go back to 1995 when eminent Brethren left and slammed the door in the light of business oriented scandals coming from the French Riviera; Senator Etienne Dailly (whose name is best remembered for the Dailly Law), Deputy Grand Master at the time, Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia (the Duke of Kent’s cousin), Assistant Grand Master, Pierre Marion, ex-Prefect of the Parisian Police according to the author but certainly Grand Swordbearer. The stories were all over the press at the time (Michel Mouillot, former Mayor of Cannes, Guy Kornfeld with 3.5 million francs of stolen bearer bonds). What followed you know all about it already, the so-called clean hands operation by smooth operator, Jean-Charles Foellner, and the magic trick has fooled them all again.


It needed the megalomanic excesses of François Stifani to bring the subtle structure put in place by his predecessor to the attention of the GLNF Brethren, who had preferred to look the other way for years. We suggest you read the article for yourself, but just to whet your appetite, here are some of the tastier morsels.


François Stifani “We have been affected by the destructive power of blogs which spread the worst possible slanders…” Either Mr Stifani wasn’t at his best that day or the journalist preferred to not transcribe his habitual style where he treats us as miasmas.


Pulling a document from his Louis Vuitton travel case Mr Stifani says, “Look, my detractors made a pact in July 2009. It’s a bent plot by ambitious men who will stop at nothing to seize power.” On the one hand there are those who always do it both ways and on the other, the “plot” theory is always his best explanation. No, Mr Stifani, we are not seeking power, just an honourable GLNF. No, the current chaos is not the fruit of a plot but the result of the policies of your predecessors and your megalomania.


François Stifani “You cannot compare our Order (error, it’s an Obedience –translator’s note) to an amateur fishing association. With us the Grand Master is the corner stone, from whom everything follows. He answers only to the Brethren.” And the journalist wonders, “Stifani, sole Master after the Grand Architect of the Universe ?” The line about being the link between God and man, we’ve heard it before, but the rough stone being the corner stone, that’s a new one !!As to his line about answering only to his Brethren, you can be the judge of the truth and pertinence of that remark.


For the rest, read the Nouvel Observateur, you will find what we have been denouncing and which sullies the GLNF; the property trusts, the relations with African presidents, the courting of those in power, the foundations and other humanitarian organisations linked to companies run by a small group, the disapproval of other Obediences, business deals and recruitment in areas that can be advantageous to a select few, the cloudy financial deals with the omnipresence of Jean-Charles Foellner, the questionable capturing of an inheritance, etc., etc.


The journalist points out that 80% of the affairs that are troubling the GLNF begin on the Riviera. We would say that the figure is closer to 100 %


Already, back in 2002 the same Nouvel Observateur, in an article dated December 12th denounced the shady deals and wrote, prophetically, “All this will finish badly.” 

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<br /> I HAD A DREAM :<br /> <br /> Mr. Stifani,<br /> <br /> We are fed up with your comic strip !<br /> Please, stop it the only way a mason can do : resign !<br /> <br /> signed:<br /> Prince Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick<br /> <br /> <br />