Published on by Arturusrex


New (non) Developments and real consequences of urgency.


The following text is signed by Claude Seiler and Dominique Moreau and put out on the Myosotis blogs on July

Translated by Arturusrex


The Court of Appeal today adjourned till September 8th its decision concerning the GLNF.

The opponents to Stifani, FMR and the Myosotis blogs publish this Communiqué and Form addressed to all lodges, asking the WMs and Secretaries to be particularly watchful and diligent in replying asap.                                           (Comment by Arturusrex.)


Text signed by Claude Seiler and Dominique Moreau


We are as of this moment stuck, once again, for a purely technical reason of legalistic procedure, in a situation of doubt which will be very hard to support over the several weeks to come.

At the Masonic level, we are in a very grave situation, calling for decisions to be made.

The GLNF is no longer recognized as a regular Masonic body. All over the world, the Grand Lodges are withdrawing their recognizance and turning their backs on it.

Regularity, for us, is commitment to a continual Masonic advancement within the fundamental Rules and Customs of our Tradition which are ignored and transformed by this would-be Mason-Craft obedience in which we had placed our confidence.

Our confidence is no more.

As a result of which, our Brethren and Lodges are now disinherited, at a total loss.

We have, most imperatively, to get back to the conditions of that Regularity that make us the Masons we desire to be and that we must, if necessary, recreate.

A solemn declaration from the Lodges to the same effect, calling for a fraternal solution   has been in circulation for several days.

We have today decided to publish it in reaction to a situation so degraded that it calls for strong action.

Scores of lodges throughout France have already signed it following meetings held in the Inner Chamber with their master mason members.

We invite every lodge of the GLNF to do the same. 

We must make it clear that the fact of suspending a lodge’s Masonic links   with the obedience which has now fallen into irregularity does not imply that it leaves the GLNF, of which we all remain members individually.

Until such time as the judgment is pronounced and various other actions under way tending to restore our associative rights, we consider this solution is appropriate to restore conditions for the practice of freemasonry in conformity with our ideals thereof, and apt to preserve our interests.

Brethren, today it looks as if this initiative is all we can do to recover proper conditions for the practice of the regular Masonry we cherish and in which we meet, speaking of all those of us of our various tendencies but united in  opposition, and taking this first step forward to refounding the GLNF.

On the following page, you will find, in the two languages and Word Format, the document in question.

It should be sent to the Grand Secretary of the GLNF and additionally, so that no information is lost to us, to the following email:



To all regular lodges in France


Nous, Respectable Loge


membre de la Franc-maçonnerie universelle, traditionnelle et régulière, inscrite sous le numéro     dans les registres de la Grande Loge Nationale Française ;


Considérant que le Grand Maître démissionnaire François STIFANI a, par ses actions, manqué au respect des principes qui, de manière coutumière, gouvernent les Loges régulières, notamment :


L’article 6 de la Règle en douze points de la Franc-maçonnerie édictée par la Grande Loge Nationale Française :


« La Franc-maçonnerie impose à tous ses membres le respect des opinions et croyances de chacun. Elle leur interdit en son sein toute discussion politique ou controverse religieuse.


Elle est un centre permanent d’Union Fraternelle où règne une compréhension tolérante et une fructueuse harmonie entre des hommes qui, sans elle, seraient restés étrangers les uns aux autres ».


L’article  11 :

« Les Francs-Maçons contribuent, par l’exemple actif de leur comportement sage, viril et digne, au rayonnement de l’ordre dans le respect du secret maçonnique ».


L’article XIX des règlements des constitutions de la première Grande Loge, dites Constitutions d’Anderson (1723) :


« Si le Grand-Maître abusait de son Pouvoir et se rendait indigne de l’obéissance et la Sujétion des Loges, il serait traité alors de la manière qui sera fixée par un nouveau Règlement : jusqu’ici en effet, l’ancienne Confrérie n’a jamais eu l’occasion de la faire, parce que tous ces GRANDS-MAÎTRES se sont toujours montrés dignes de cet honorable Office ».





Considérant que ces manquements graves et renouvelés expliquent le chaos qui règne actuellement au sein de la GLNF : intimidations ; invitation des caméras de télévision dans l’espace sacré de nos loges ; communications dans les médias et engagements politiques ; sanctions et exclusions de nombreux frères ne demandant que le retour au travail et aux valeurs de la Franc-maçonnerie de tradition ; non respect de décisions judiciaires exécutoires ; rupture unilatérale avec les Juridictions ordinales traditionnelles et régulières ;


Considérant que ces errements ont déjà entrainé sur le plan extérieur la suspension de la reconnaissance de la G.L.N.F par plusieurs Grandes Loges régulières ;


Considérant que, pour l’ensemble de ces raisons, la majorité des loges régulières ne reconnaissent plus, depuis plusieurs mois, le TRF François Stifani comme Grand Maître ;



Considérant que les dérives de sa gouvernance chaotique ont entraîné notre Obédience en dehors des chemins de la régularité, et soucieuse de permettre aux Frères de leur Loge, sans exception aucune et quel que soit leur rite, de poursuivre leur parcours maçonnique dans un climat apaisé ;


En dehors de toute appartenance à un quelconque mouvement particulier, sans ambition personnelle et collective, et après avoir consulté les Maîtres Maçons de notre Atelier, et obtenu, dans le respect des us et coutumes de la Maçonnerie Traditionnelle, leur accord à la majorité qualifiée des 2/3 :



de suspendre provisoirement nos liens maçonniques avec la Grande Loge Nationale Française, le temps qu’une puissance maçonnique respectueuse des critères de la Franc-maçonnerie régulière universelle soit de nouveau présente sur le territoire français ;


d’appeler l’ensemble des Loges de la Grande Loge Nationale Française, tous Rites confondus, à les rejoindre pour travailler, à la Gloire du Grand Architecte de l’Univers, dans cet espace de respect retrouvé de l’autre, aussi longtemps que la gouvernance de cette obédience continuera de s’écarter des Principes Fondamentaux de la Maçonnerie Universelle.

Au besoin, en nous regroupant prochainement dans une structure conforme aux valeurs universelles et intemporelles véhiculées par la Franc-maçonnerie, pour y accueillir les Frères réguliers qui, membres de la GLNF, ne trouvent plus dans cette obédience les conditions de travail maçonnique traditionnel et régulier.


Espérant que la GLNF saura, après le départ de celui qui se prétend encore son Grand Maître, redevenir le foyer chaleureux de cette régularité.


Fait à :


Le :


Le Vénérable Maître en chaire :















Of the Grande Loge Nationale Française



Considering that the resigned Grand Master, François Stifani,  through his doings, has failed to respect the principles that customarily govern the regular lodges of the Craft , particularly:


Article 6 of the 12-Point Rule of Freemasonry, of the Grande Loge Nationale Française:



Free-Masonry imposes on all its members respect of the opinions and beliefs of each one. It does not allow of political discussion or religious controversy at its meetings or within its body.



“It is a permanents centre of fraternal union ruled over by a tolerant understanding and fruitful harmony between men who, but for it, would have remained strangers to one another


Ar rticle  11 :

“Freemasons contribute, by the active example of their wise, manly and worthy behaviour to the reputation of the Order in the respect of the Masonic secret’.


Article XIX pf the Rules and Constitutions of the 1st Grand Lodge called the  Constitutions of Anderson (1723) :


“ If the Grand Master should abuse his power and render himself unworthy of the Obedience of  the Lodges, he shall be subjected to some new regulation to be dictated by the occasion; because, hitherto, the Ancient Fraternity have had no reason to provide for an event which they have presumed would never happen, as all Grand Masters have always shown themselves to be worthy of this honorable Office”.



Considering that these serious and repetitive failings explain the chaos that reigns at the present throughout the GLNF :acts of intimidation ; invitations to TV crews to film in our Lodge rooms,   communications in the  media and political involvement,  sanctioning and exclusions of many brethren whose only request was to return to their traditional Masonic labours and ethics ; contempt of Court, unilateral negation of amity with the regular Traditional Ordinal Jurisdictions;




Considering that these erring methods have already led, outside the GLNF, to  a loss of recognition by several regular Grand Lodges;



Considering that, for all these reasons,  

the majority of the regular lodges have now, since several months, ceased to acknowledge François Stifani as Grand Master;


Considering that the aberrations of its chaotic  governance  have led our Order astray from the paths of regularity, and anxious, as a lodge, to help its brethren, without any exception and whatever their rite, in the continuation of their Masonic progression  in a harmonious climate;


Without affiliation of any sort on our part  to whatever particular movement, personal or collective ambition, and after consultation with the Master Masons of this Lodge, amid whom and with whom, in accordance with Masonic tradition and custom, a majority ballot of two thirds to one was obtained ;



To suspend temporarily our masonic llinks with the Grande Loge Nationale Française, until such time as a masonic body that respects the criteria of universal  regular Freemasonry shall have been established once more on  French territory.


To appeal to all the Lodges of the Grande Loge Nationale Française, whatever Rite they practise, to join with them to labour TTGOTGAOTU, in such newly found area of mutual respect for each other, for as long as the management of the Obedience remains without the Fundamental Principles and Landmarks of Universal Freemasonry.


If necessary, combining in the near future in a structure that conforms to the universal and timeless values incorporated in Freemasonry , to receive regular Brethren of the GLNF who no longer find within the GLNF the requisite conditions for regular, traditional Masonic labour .



In the hope that the GLNF will, after the departure of him who still claims to be Grand Master, be capable  of being once more the heart of our regularity.


Signed at :


Date :


Worshipful Master in Office














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