Stifani de Monaco (Act 3)

Published on by Winnie


The saga continues.


Act 1


You well recall the « bull in a china shop » diplomacy of our spiritual guide’s attempt for the GLNF to be the official sponsor for the creation of a Grand Lodge in the Monaco principality. Manu militari he created 3 Lodges, placed a handful of his favourite flunkeys in the important posts and sat back waiting to be covered in glory and honours !! But they don’t do it that way on the Rock. End result, an official complaint from the Palace to the Quai d’Orsay, headquarters of the French Foreign Ministry.


Monaco – 1                Stifani – 0


Act 2


Once the dust had settled were informed that the Grand Lodge of the Principality of Monaco would be consecrated on February 19th 2011, the 3 sponsoring Grand Lodges would probably be, the UGLE, the United Grand Lodges of Germany and an American Grand Lodge without specifying Canada or the United States. Rumours suggested that our spiritual guide would not even get into the official photo, despite the fact that he lives just up the road and has a diplomatic passport.


Monaco- 1                  Stifani – 0


Act 3


A close read of page 7 of the latest (N° 109) edition of « Actualité », our spiritual guide’s favourite glossy, informs us that a meeting was held in Hamburg on November 9th 2010 to iron out the details of the consecration ceremony, still to be held on February 19th. And, for once there’s some good news for the Honorary Consul for Djibouti in Marseilles. The ceremony will be directed by the Pro Grand Master of the UGLE assisted by the Grand Masters of the United Grand Lodges of Germany and the GLNF. François gets to be in the official photo, but not quite on the top step. On the day, the UGLE will hand over the Gates of Hercules Lodge which has been working in Monaco for many years and the GLNF will hand over the 3 recently created Lodges. It’s a bit like the maiden aunt who’s a pain in rear but you’re always obliged to invite her because she’s loaded.


A number of questions arise concerning the presence of our spiritual guide.


-          Will he still be GM on February 19th ?

-          Will the GLNF still be regular in the eyes of the UGLE, principal Grand Lodge officiating the ceremony ?

-          Will the Pro GM, n° 2 of the UGLE, accept to be photographed with the GM of the GLNF, object of direct criticism in its letter of December 9th 2010 ?

-          Will the Stifanatic ask one of his flunkeys to stand in for him, thereby diminishing the risk of embarrassment ?

-          With so many rats jumping ship will he be able to put together a credible delegation ?

And last but not least. It is shaping up to be a flash pageant. To get a place at the gala to follow in the evening he’s going to have to fork out 250 Euros for the rubber chicken in the Salle des Etoiles at the Sporting de Monaco. Talk about leaving the metal at the door of the temple !!




Monaco – 1                  Stifani - 1


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<br /> Latest news on Monday 24th is that the GLNBF is not included in the Consecrating team.<br /> Arturusrex<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Yak! A maiden aunt who thinks she is a « mermaid ». The picture with the UGLE will be UGLY with a stinky fish! (I know: cheap shot!).<br /> Whatever the scores, the game is boring, uneventful, stale & totally un-important at this stage.<br /> The Pisan’s cavalry might be dispatched to save face or what’s left of it.<br /> The triptych of our 3 twiddlers (fiddlers) will be a collection piece worthy of some abandoned wax museum; the legend will read: “Once upon a time…bla, bla, bla”.<br /> If it wasn’t for the so many Brethren distressed by the actual situation, I will found the whole thing highly comical & out of this world not to say completely ridiculous, deemed to a form of<br /> intellectual fornication. What the profane world will qualify as B.S.<br /> <br /> <br />