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OBITUARY NECROLOGIE. In French and English, for fun. Pour le plaisir de traduire……. (et parce que certain de nos lecteurs m’a suggéré que nos traductions sont merdiques, à vous, Cher Lecteur, de proposer des améliorations ; cela doit être facile pour...

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When the news is bad, kill the messenger !

When the Ancient Greeks received bad news they took it out on the poor sod who brought the news; he got the knife. From his eyrie in Antibes, it seems François Stifani has been seeking inspiration in the ancient customs of the Peleponnese. One of his...

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It’s been a bloody awful year !!!

By : The Serious Black Penguin The masonic year we have just endured is certainly the worst the GLNF has known in its entire, almost century long history. And whose fault is that ? You know the answer to that one as well as I do…. the management who,...

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