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Writ against Maître Legrand

From PACA Blog December 7th 2011 signed César du Bar de La Marine, translated by Artutusrex FMR and Myosotis had announced it several days ago : ( v communiqué de Me Teitgen ) Now we can say that a writ has been issued summoning Mè Legrand to attend Court...

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Miss Monique, some background reading

For months the Brethren have observed Maître Monique Legrand’s total lack of reactivity, her seeming inability to come to grips with the task the courts have appointed her. Despite the remarks and observations on virtually all the blogs, Despite her promises...

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« Hooligans » and nazi salutes

The Pisan Propaganda Ministry has taken 3 whole days to produce their interpretation of the events of last Saturday. The document, the new form of “Brèves”, takes the title “Communiqué from the Grand Council” and is dated today, December 6th. Taking inspiration...

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FS = Fiasco Show !!!

900 km there and back in a day means early to bed the night before. But not before reading reports of the first meeting of the Sovereign Grand Committee in more than 12 months (the Statutes require a minimum of 4 per year, but when did Ephesse last consult...

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Don’t forget your camera

Myosotis PACA reveals that the Ephesse advisory team on the 3rd floor of the Pisan bunker have requested the assistance of the French National Police, civil servants paid with our taxes, to maintain order within the meeting room of tomorrow’s Grand Farce....

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